器材原始說明資料: Galton Whistle
ガルトン調子笛 , (Galtonpfeifchen nach Edelmann. Neneste Konstruktion.)
Edelman - Muchen (1928-1945)
実験心理学 / 大槻快尊著,東京:成美堂,明治 44.9 (1911)
実験心理学講義 / 野上俊夫,上野陽一著,東京:同文館,明治 42.9 (1909)
輓近心理學大集成 / 三浦藤作編,東京:中興館書店,大正12[1923] ガルトン氏の笛 #371
音響心理學.第14篇 / 廣瀨錦一 著,東京:學藝社,昭和7-9[1932-34] ガルトン笛 #46
Experimental psychology : a manual of laboratory practice / Titchener Edward Bradford, New York ; London : Macmillan (1901)
Laboratory equipment for psychological experiments / Judd Charles Hubbard, New York : C. Scribner's sons (1907)
A text-book of psychology / Titchener Edward Bradford, New York : Macmillan (1910)
Psychological experiments / Breitwieser Joseph Valentine, Colorado Springs, Colo., Apex Book Co. (1914)
The Psychology of Musical Talent / Carl Emil Seashore , Silver, Burdett and Company (1919) p39
Miller, D. C. (1926). The Science of Musical Sounds. New York: MacMillan.
http://www.kobayasi-riken.or.jp/news/No33/33_2.htm ガルトンの超音波笛(エーゲルマンパイプ)
Galton Whistle (Edelmann) , (AHAP) Apparatus Collection , Flickr 上的 Galton Whistle
Ultrasonic pipe (Galton's pipe) University of Innsbruck Collection
Supersonic Whistle ( Harvard Collection)
Galton Whistle ( Oxford Collection )
Galton's Whistle (Florida State College equipment)
Galton whistle - Wikipedia